We are seeking volunteers to help us evaluate CBTe, our new online treatment for binge eating. We need to learn more about its effects and what it is like for people using it. Our goal is to progressively improve the treatment.
We must stress that this is a new treatment and its effectiveness has not yet been established.
CBTe is for people who have repeated episodes of binge eating and are aged over 18.
If you would like to use CBTe and help us evaluate it, we will give you access to a CREDO website which will provide more information about CBTe and our test of it. You will then be invited to complete an online assessment of your eating problem. If this confirms that CBTe is suitable for you, you will be given access to the treatment.
The CBTe treatment programme comprises regular, brief, online treatment “sessions” with specific guidance for overcoming your binge eating problem. It can be accessed from a tablet, laptop or desktop computer (but at present it is not suitable for viewing on a phone). The CBTe programme takes eight weeks to complete. We will ask you complete a further assessment at the end of treatment and another one some months later. We will also ask you for your views on the treatment and how we could improve it. We will send a £20 Amazon voucher to everyone who completes our assessment questionnaires.
If you are interested in taking part, please visit www.cbt4me.com.