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Financial support

Current Financial Support

CREDO is funded by a Strategic Award from the Wellcome Trust. Strategic awards are designed to "add value to excellent research groups" by providing support to facilitate research that is not possible under existing Wellcome Trust funding schemes. In addition, CREDO is in receipt of an Enhancement Award from the Wellcome Trust to fund its work developing an online treatment for eating disorders.

Past Financial Support

CREDO has been supported by the Wellcome Trust since 1984. It has received the following major awards:

Wellcome Trust (1984-1989) Bulimia nervosa - Aspects of its aetiology, maintenance and treatment.

Wellcome Trust (1988-1993) Epidemiological studies of the aetiology, character, prevalence and course of eating disorders.

Wellcome Trust (1993-1998) Studies of the aetiology and course of eating disorders.

Wellcome Trust (1996-2001) Eating disorders and obesity: studies of aetiology, maintenance and treatment.

Wellcome Trust (2001-2006) Persistence of severe eating disorders: cognitive processes and treatments.

Wellcome Trust (2006-2012) Transdiagnostic cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders: efficacy and mechanisms of action.

Wellcome Trust (2012-2017) The dissemination of psychological treatments: the development and evaluation of new strategies and procedures.

In addition, CREDO has received the following research grants:

Medical Research Council (1981-1984) Self-control treatment in bulimia nervosa.

Mental Health Foundation (1984-1985) - jointly with Dr GW Goodwin. The effects of calorie restriction and weight loss upon "biological markers of depressive illness" and upon peripheral and central indices of monoamine function.

Mental Health Foundation (1986-1988) - jointly with Dr RA Mayou and Dr JI Mann. Psychiatric and eating problems in young diabetics.

Wellcome Trust (1987-1990) The nature of bulimic episodes - A community-based study.

Medical Research Council (1987-1994) - jointly with Dr RA Hope. A prospective study of behaviour in dementia.

Oxford Regional Health Authority (1988-1990) - jointly with Dr RC Peveler. The prevalence of eating disorders among diabetic adolescents.

Wellcome Trust (1989-1992) - jointly with Dr AL Stein. Childhood risk factors for the development of bulimia nervosa: a case-control study.

Medical Research Council(1990-1992) - jointly with Dr RC Peveler. A study of the outcome of bulimia nervosa.

Professor Fairburn (representing CREDO) has been a Principal or CoPrincipal Investigator on these grants:

National Institute of Mental Health (1991-1993) - jointly with Professors R Wing and M Marcus. Cognitive-behavioural treatment of obese binge-eaters. (Study based at Pittsburgh.)

National Institute of Mental Health (1993-1998) - jointly with Professors WS Agras, BT Walsh and GT Wilson. Psychological treatment of bulimia nervosa. (Study based at Stanford and Columbia universities.)

National Institute of Mental Health (1995-1998) - jointly with Professor Striegel-Moore and Drs K Pike and D Wilfley. Risk factors for binge eating disorder. (Study based at Wesleyan, Yale and Columbia universities.)

National Institute of Mental Health (1997-2001) - jointly with Professor BT Walsh. Treatment of bulimia nervosa in a primary care setting. (Study based at Columbia University.)

National Institute of Mental Health (2001-2006) - jointly with Professor J Mitchell, WS Agras, K Halmi, S Crow. Stepped care for bulimia nervosa. (Study based at North Dakota, Minnesota, Stanford and Weill Cornell universities.)

NHMRC (2010-2014) - jointly with Professors S Byrne, S Touyz, T Wade and P Hay. A randomized controlled trial of three treatments for anorexia nervosa in adults. (Study based in Sydney, Adelaide and Perth.)